What We Choose to Invest Our Time In
Each of us must find our own source of motivation – and what works for me may not work for you. However, let me encourage you to take a few moments to reflect and consider what we each are doing and why as we enter a new year. To be mindful and intentional about what matters to us.
Whole Personhood
There is something about the advancing years, marked by birthdays, New Year’s celebrations, and life stages, that invites pausing for a bit of introspection and reflection. What makes up a whole life?
I love it when someone points out yet again the difference between light and darkness. You cannot “create” darkness directly or say, “Let there be dark,” because darkness is the absence of light. To “achieve” darkness, you must remove sources of light. Any light at all diminishes darkness. On the other hand, light pours out from itself. A light source…
Appreciating Important Things in Life
The holiday season is upon us – and I always find that this time of the year induces stepping back and reflecting on life’s bigger picture – seeing the trends and threads weaving together into the hills, mountains, and deep valleys that our life journeys consist of.
Praying through Transitions
Seasons change like chapters in a book. As a builder of high-potential startups, each of my startup journeys has lasted somewhere between a couple of years and eight years, which means I have regularly transitioned between startups – and my faith has been a major factor in how I personally navigate those seasons.
Midway through the Recovery Journey
Major surgery packs a wallop. Those who have major surgery have a challenging recovery journey to embrace. Twelve hours under in the OR, a direct intrusion into my frontal cortex, narcotic and other heavy-duty meds, and days in the hospital wiped out my already-depleted reserves. Now I am midway through this process and sharing what I have noticed and the…
Fear of the Uncontrollable
As the day approached for my neurosurgery, the community of people who knew about this looming event expanded. Practically universally, when someone found out, their first response was, "that must be so scary!"
Coping with Curve Balls
Sometimes life hands you a shock – and coping with it affects everything.
The Stress-Management Power of Thankfulness
Every year, the Thanksgiving holiday reminds me of the stress-management power of being thankful. I suppose the challenge is continually seeking to revisit what I am grateful for all the other days of the year.
Company Building with the Lord
Each entrepreneur brings themselves to the practice of company building, which includes their beliefs about themselves and their place in the world as a foundation on which to build. For some, this spiritual strength sustains us through the trials, tribulations, and sometimes triumphs that inevitably emerge along the journey.
The Spiritual Side of My Entrepreneurial Journey
My entrepreneurial journey is profoundly entwined with my spiritual journey. My faith in God is my underlying foundation and north star as a startup CEO.