Co-Founder Dreaming
There is a time in the inception phase of a startup as an idea takes shape and a team assembles when a shared dream emerges. By dreaming together, co-founders lay the foundation of a shared vision, an understanding of each others’ inspirations and motivations, and the beginnings of trust.
People Management for Startup Leaders
One of the greatest challenges of founding and growing a startup company is learning to manage a team of people to accomplish amazing things on a shoestring as fast as possible.
The Value of Being Decisive
Being able to decide without all of the information you might wish for is a critical startup leadership skill. Often, a clear direction to move drives more value creation than taking time and resources to achieve an incrementally better decision.
Startup Patent Strategy
Patent strategy for startups is complicated and nuanced, yet it can be the essence of creating protected assets that can ultimately be transferred to other organizations. Being smart and intentional up front is essential to generating such value for a startup.