It Takes a Village to Build a Startup
A village combines the contributions of many people to build a functioning community, which is an excellent metaphor for what it takes to build a successful startup. And this Thanksgiving season, I am reflecting on how thankful I am for those who have joined the villages I have been part of.
Pricing Strategy
One of a startup’s most significant decisions is pricing strategy. This decision is critical because it sits at the nexus of so many different dimensions in the startup’s strategic positioning, and coming up with a good, balanced solution for all these dimensions is so strategic. Failure to solve this well can cripple or kill a startup.
Multi-faceted Recovery
Recovering from significant health crises and other big changes is complicated and takes time; many factors weave together to make these processes complex to navigate. Yet, even in that complexity, there are opportunities, because of the complexity we discover multiple options and paths to move forward.
The Value-Creating Power of Person-to-Person Relationships
Relationships are the glue that knits together people who will engage in the innovative process of bringing something new into the world. Relational integrity is key to forming those strong relationships that can enable those breakthrough moments of forward progress.