Succession Planning Even in Startups
The team is the foundation and core of a startup’s success. Yet early-stage startup teams are small and vulnerable to turnover, so proactive risk assessment and succession planning is essential for business resiliency.
Ask the Right Hiring Question
Success in hiring the best new employees, especially when every new hire makes a massive impact like in a startup, depends on some simple process decisions that ensure you are asking the right hiring question.
Facilitating Team Learning Curves
Leading a startup means forging new paths, building organizational infrastructure, and ultimately becoming skilled at facilitating team learning curves. This is one of the most challenging parts of being an entrepreneur trying to create a business.
Talking Entrepreneurship on Invisible Ink
Listen in to this wide-ranging discussion on many things startup! Starting, team building, fundraising, financial planning, and more.
The Challenge of Raising Money as a Solopreneur
What is the minimum team size when raising capital for your high-potential venture? Greater than one.
Compensating Tiny Teams
Tiny startup teams of less than ten offer unique compensation opportunities and challenges, so creativity and open communication are called for!
Specialties Matter
Gathering a startup team is always a challenge. Yet, nearly all startups demand assembling a diverse range of skills that will cover your bases. This enables forward progress to the next milestone and the subsequent funding that allows you to further expand your team. Understanding the relevant specialties and sub-specialties and how to access them will often be critical to…
Recruiting Hearts
One of the great rewards of joining a new and exciting startup is collaborating as a passionate team to achieve an inspiring vision and make a difference. It is the anthesis of the concept of “quiet quitting,” “just a job,” or “being a cog in the wheel.” The challenge for a startup leader is building a team culture like that,…
Wingmen — Those Trusted to Go With You into Battle
When you lead your startup into battle, you need an inner circle of wingmen (and hopefully, wingwomen) backing you up. They are the trusted few who have earned the right to fly by your side and make an impact.