Investors Who Survey the Landscape While Protecting the Focus of Their Startup Teams
actionable intelligence while still protecting the focus and time their startups must sustain to actively build value.
Building a Fireproof Team
Building a robust and resilient team requires constant intention every step of the way so that when the going gets tough, or a crisis erupts, the fireproof team can respond. Investing to build a strong startup team that can field a startup’s inevitable curveballs is essential.
Virtual Team Integration
We just hired five new employees, expanding our team by almost a third. As a fully virtual company, one of our challenges is how do we help our new team members integrate so everyone feels like we are one team.
Answer the Question
When someone asks you the time, in general, answer the question directly rather than explaining how the watch is made. This principle can be applied broadly to sales and fundraising activities in a startup.
Taking Vacation
Full disclosure: I am on one. Here are a few reflections on the importance and process of unplugging.