Customer Discovery #2: What a Positive Response Looks Like
When asking for feedback on a product concept, it is easy to be fooled. Make sure you know the kind of reaction you need to hear to know you have a potential winner.
Customer Discovery #1: n>1
Talk to many potential customers when seeking to validate an unmet need.
Prioritize Exercise While Building Your Startup
Startups are marathons, not sprints. Figuring out how to pace yourself and your team in a healthy way has real business success consequences.
What You Measure Will Improve
A concrete measure provides the focus and sense of accomplishment needed to improve continuously.
The Importance of Co-Founder Vesting
Because life happens, co-founder vesting of equity is critical for a young high-potential startup.
The Value of Co-Founders
Most venture-backed companies are founded by two or more co-founders. With good reason.
What Blogging About My Startup Experiences is Teaching Me
Four weeks into my blogging journey, I find blogging is affecting me in ways I never anticipated. As I continue, I wanted to share what I am learning.
Start with a Delaware C-Corp If Raising VC
When building a startup, you will face many surprising curves, so when the best path is the straight, well-traveled road, take it.